Halloween 2015


Something magical happens when ­kids, costumes and the promise of candy comes together.

At Bel Aire Plaza on Saturday, October 24, more than 150 kids brought their families out to Halloween Trick or Treat. Our yearly costume contest was a big hit for the kids. Parents loved the giveaway from the shops and happily led their little ones for trick-or-treating around the plaza. Whole Foods also offered a coloring station and balloons for everyone. Our face painters and balloon artist helped bring smiles to the happy crowd.

There were creative costumes from mummies to Minecraft and princesses to superheroes. Choosing winners wasn’t an easy task!

Here are the top winners of the costume contest.

 First Place – Pier 1 $200 Gift Card
 Nico Smith

Second Place – Whole Foods $100 Gift Card
 “Mario and Luigi”
 Diana Garza Kids

Third Place – Trader Joe’s $50 Gift Card
 “Angry Birds”
 Ryann, Cara & Daniel Hamilton

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